Selasa, 21 Mei 2013


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Manfaat Bengkoang Untuk Kesehatan

Kali ini kita akan membahas soal Manfaat buah bengkoang untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan wajah. Selain bisa dimakan untuk campuran rujak manis, ternyata bengkoang atau juga disebut bengkuang memilik beragam khasiat yang dapat kita peroleh jika kita rajin mengkonsumsinya. Bengkuang yang dalam bahasa latinnya Pachyrhizuserosus dapat mencapai panjang 4-5 meter dengan menjalar. Umbinya mengandung gula, fosfor, pati dankalsium. Umbi ini juga memiliki efek pendingin karena mengandung kadar air 86-90%. Rasa manis berasl dari suatu oligosakorida yang di sebut inulin ( pati sayuran )

Inulin telah digunakan sebagai pengganti gula dan penurun kalori makanan seperti es krim, produduk susu dan roti. komponen ini tidak dapat dicerna enzim dalam usus manusia, sehingga melewati mulut dan usus tanpa di metabolisme. dalam usus besar barulah insulin mengalami fermentasi oleh mikroflora usus menjadi asam lemak dan laktat, dengan hasil samping berupa biomassa bakteri dan gas. Karena sifat yang tidak tercerna ini inulin cocok dikonsumsi penderita diabetes. Sifat penting dari inulin adalah sebagai serat makanan, sifat ini berpengaruh pada fungsi usus dan perbaikan parameter dalam darah.

Inulin mempengaruhi fungsi usus dengan meningkatkan massa feses dan meningkatkan frekuensi defekasi terutama pada penderita konstipasi. Perbaikan parameter lemak dalam darah, antara lain penurunan kadar triliserida serum dan kolesterol darah pada penderita hypercholerolemia.

Manfaat Bengkoang Untuk Menghilangkan Flek Hitam Di Wajah

Selain mempunyai kandungan inulin yang dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi usus kita, bengkoang  juga dapat kita olah untuk menjadi masker yang dapat kita gunakan sebagai penghilang flek hitam di wajah. Berikut cara mengolah bengkoang untuk menjadi masker wajah :
  1. Parutlah bengkuang secara halus agak banyak.
  2. Lalu gunakan parutan bengkuang tersebut dan balurkan ke bagian wajah/yang bernoda atau bisa juga dijadikan bahan campuran pada scrub. Usapkan perlahan dan diamkan 30 menit.
  3. Lalu bilas hingga bersih, wajah terlihat bersih dan cerah.
Selain itu Bengkoang juga Untuk Menjaga Kelembaban Kulit, dan tentunya tidak ada salahnya jika mulai saat ini kita mengalihkan perhatian ke bengkoang untuk menjaga kecantikan wajah dan kulit kita. Semoga bermanfaat.

Oleh : Dra. Emma S. Wirakusumah, MSc.
Ahli Gizi dan Kuliner

Ketika mendengar kata bengkuang, tentu yang terbayang dibenak kita adalah rujak dan bedak dingin. Memang bengkuang sangat terkenal sebagai salah satu komponen dalam rujak. Rasa buahnya yang manis segar dan berair sangat klop untuk disantap dengan kuah rujak, sehingga banyak orang yang hanya menyantap bengkuang saat makan rujak, namun sangat jarang sekali dikonsumsi sehari-hari layaknya buah jeruk, apel, dan pepaya. Padahal jika ditilik khasiatnya bengkuang juga layak dan pantas untuk dijadikan konsumsi buah harian.

Bengkuang termasuk dalam kategori tanaman fitoestrogen yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kaum wanita terutama bagi mereka yang sudah memasuki masa menopause. Selain itu, bengkuang juga baik untuk kesehatan kulit, dan dapat dijadikan sebagai tanaman obat karena berkhasiat untuk mengobati wasir, demam, sariawan sekaligus bermanfaat untuk mempertahankan kenormalan kadar gula darah bagi penderita diabetes.

Asal Usul Bengkuang
Bengkuang berasal dari daerah Amerika Tengah dan Selatan terutama didaerah Mexico. Suku Aztec menggunakan biji tanaman bengkuang ini sebagai obat-obatan. Kemudian pada abad ke-17, Spanyol menyebarkan tanaman ini ke daerah Philipina sampai akhirnya menyebar ke seluruh Asia dan Pasifik. Tanaman ini masuk ke Indonesia dari Manila melalui Ambon, dan sejak saat itulah bengkuang dibudidayakan diseluruh negeri. Bengkuang sekarang ini lebih banyak dibudidayakan didaerah Jawa dan Madura atau didataran rendah.

Varietas Bengkuang
Terdapat dua varietas tanaman bengkuang, yaitu bengkuang gajah dan bengkuang badur. Pada varietas bengkuang gajaha, bengkuang sudah dapat dipanen pada usia tanam empat sampai lima bulan. Sedangkan pada variets badur, bengkuang baru dapat dipanen ketika usia tanamnya berusia tujuh sampai sebelas bulan.

Identifikasi Bengkuang dan Bagian yang Dapat DimanfaatkanTanaman bengkuang termasuk kedalam tanaman terna yang merambat dari famili leguminosae yang mempunyai nama ilmiah Pachyrrhizus erosus. Bengkuang dibudidayakan terutama untuk diambil umbinya. Daun tanaman ini majemuk, beranak daun tiga. Bunganya tersusun dalam tandan yang panjangnya 15 sampai 25 cm. Buahnya berbulu halus, berbentuk polong yang berisi empat sampai sembilan buah biji.

Umbi akarnya berwarna putih, berbentuk seperti gasing dan kulitnya mudah dikupas. Daging buahnya berwarna putih, renyah serta menyegarkan karena kandungan airnya cukup tinggi. Bagian dari tanaman bengkuang yang dapat dimanfaatkan yaitu akar atau umbinya, biji dan juga tangkainya. Bagian tanaman yang dapat digunakan tersebut juga berkhasiat obat dan dapat pula digunakan untuk kecantikan, misalnya saja dibuat menjadi bedak dingin untuk perawatan kulit wajah agar terlihat lebih segar dan putih.

Olahan dari Bengkuang
Biasanya bengkuang dinikmati dalam bentuk olahan rujak atau asinan yang tentunya sangat menyegarkan. Selain itu, bengkuang juga dapat diolah sebagai makanan pembuka atau appetizer seperti dibuat salad yang dipadupadankan dengan bahan pangan lainnya, misalnya dibuat salad udang, salad Bangkok, dan lain sebagainya. Bengkuang dapat pula diolah dalam bentuk sayur maupun puding. Namun, banyak orang yang hanya menikmati bengkuang dalam bentuk segar karena airnya terasa manis dan menyegarkan.

Olahan lain yang dapat dibuat dari bengkuang diantaranya yaitu pikel bengkuang, keripik bengkuang dan manisan bengkuang. Namun pikel, keripik dan manisan bengkuang belum dikenal oleh banyak orang.

Pikel bengkuang merupakan salah satu olahan dari bengkuang yang difermentasikan didalam larutan garam 15 - 20%. Selama fermentasi mikroba tahan asam akan tumbuh menghasilkan asam, rasa dan aroma khas pikel. Garam yang dilarutkan akan berdifusi kedalam jaringan bahan sehingga jaringan menjadi asin, dan cairan yang berada didalam jaringan akan mengalir kedalam larutan garam membawa berbagai zat gizi sehingga larutan garam mnejadi media tumbuh bagi mikroba tahan garam. Pikel bengkuang ini memang belum banyak tersedia dipasaran.

Sama seperti halnya dengan pikel bengkuang, olahan lain dari bengkuang yang juga belum tersedia di pasaran yaitu keripik bengkuang. Umbi bengkuang tersebut diiris tipis kemudian digoreng sampai kering. Pembuatan keripik bengkuang ini memang membutuhkan teknik dan peralatan yang relatif sulit, seperti penggunaan penggoreng vakum agar menghasilkan keripik yang bagus dan alat pengering yang digunakan untuk mengeringkan irisan bengkuang.

Manisan bengkuang dibuat dengan dua jenis yaitu manisan kering dan manisan basah. Manisan basah tidak dapat disimpan lama dan penyimpanannya diajurkan dalam lemari pendingin (kulkas) sedangkan manisan kering relatif dapat disimpan lebih lama dan dapat disimpan pada suhu ruang.

Kandungan Zat Gizi Bengkuang
Bengkuang merupakan buah yang kaya akan berbagai zat gizi yang sangat penting untuk kesehatan terutama vitamin dan mineral. Vitamin yang terkandung dalam bengkuang yang paling tinggi adalah vitamin C. Sedangkan mineral yang terkandung dalam bengkuang adalah fosfor, zat besi, kalsium dan lain-lain. Bengkuang juga merupakan buah yang mengandung kadar air yang cukup tinggi sehingga dapat menyegarkan tubuh setelah mengkonsumsinya dan menambah cairan tubuh yang diperlukan untuk menghilangkan deposit-deposit lemak yang mengeras yang terbentuk dalam beberapa bagian tubuh. Oleh karena itu, bengkuang dianggap dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam darah.

di ambil dari :

Minggu, 19 Mei 2013


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bagi sebagian orang menganggap sekolah sma itu mahal , makanya banyak lulusan smp yang tidak melanjutkan ke jenjang sma, awalnya aku juga berfikir seperti itu  tapi setelah aku masuk ke sma ku sekarang ini , aku sadar sekolah itu gak perlu mahal , kalau ada yang murah,berkualitas, dan bermutu kenapa milih yang mahal ? seperti aku sekarang bersekolah di SMA Islam Sudirman 2 Boyolali. sekolahku ini terkenal murah , bayangkan saja hanya Rp 675.000 sudah bisa sekolah sma. murahkan ?
   walau sekolahku ini swasta tapi kan tidak kalah dengan sekolah negri ,makanya buat kamu-kamu yang lulusan smp jangan pernah berfikir kalau sekolah sma itu mahal .kan ada SMA Islam Sudirman 2 boyolali . datang dan  daftarkan dirikamu sekarang juga . sekolah ku ber alamat di jl. perintis kemerdekaan boyolali.
   bagi kamu yang berminat langsung saja datang ke SMA Islam Sudirman 2 Boyolali 
 dengan syarat :
 1. kamu lulusan smp/mts sederajat
  2. datang membawa foto copi ijazah yang sudah dilegalisir oleh kepala sekolah asal
  3. membawa SKHU asli / foto copi
  4. membawa pas foto 3x4 4 lembar
  5. bagi kamu yang belum lulus bisa dartar dulu . setelah di terama harus mengikuti ujian paket dan di nyatakan lulus
jangan lupa daftar ya dan gabung dengan keluarga besar SMA Islam Sudirman 2 Boyolali.

by sri nur wahyuni  

Rabu, 15 Mei 2013


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Text 1

Sanitation at Home
A home is a place where people cook, eat sleep and look after their children. It protects people from harsh weather – cold, rain, wind, the burning rays of the sun-as well as from insects, animals and other dangers, so a home is a very important place for people to live.
Sanitation at home is important. People can do a lot about improving some of their living conditions in which they live. They should refrigerate food properly or store it carefully to keep it away from bacteria, and they should not leave food lying around because it may attract insects and rats. To Avoid these pests, proper care of garbage is also very important.
Careful housekeeping is extremely important to sanitation and food health. People should keep all parts of the house neat and clean by sweeping and mopping them, such as bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. They should tidy up the bedroom, scrub bathroom and kitchen often, and use disinfectants freely. Sanitary condition of a house protects people from germs but health problems not caused by germs are a growing challenge in the field of sanitation today.
1. The author is primarily concerned with describing …
a. the importance of having a good home
b. how people should keep their house tidy
c. the ways people should obey to have good sanitation
d. the danger of leaving their meal open
e. the diseases derive from garbage

2. According to the author …
a. house is the most important thing to have
b. people should store their meal in refrigerator
c. people should be aware of getting bad environment
d. flies, rats, ants and many other insects need our protection
e. keeping the environment healthy is the most important thing to do

3. Which one of the words below has similar meaning to sanitary ?
a. dirty
b. soiled
c. waste
d. health
c. clean

4. The word it paragraph 1, sentence 2 refers to …
a. a home
b. child
c. a place
d. weather
e. wind

Text 2
Healthy Water and Its Problem
Water is very precious to people. They use it in almost activities they do. Primarily, they use water for domestic purposes such as drinking, food preparation, bathing cleaning, and watering plants. Secondarily, water is used for industrial processes, commercial protect. Realizing how important water is for drinking and food preparation. Clean water which is free from disease-causing bacteria should always be available. Boiling water is the traditional way to get healthy drinking water. Clean and healthy water is also necessary for bathing and cleaning; fish and plants need water which is free from pollution.
As the population of the world increases, people are now facing a serious problem of water pollution, especially in big cities. The growth of population does not cope with the development of housing facility. Consequently, too many people live in one area, and environmental cleanliness cannot be controlled very well. People’s activities are chemical substances that affect the natural condition of water of its intended use. Organic wastes from homes and industries contaminate the water. As the result, waterways like rivers, lakes, and even oceans are subjected to pollution. This polluted water is harmful to living things that consume it. Plants cannot grow well and do not yield good quality fruit. Fish do not grow and breed properly. This in turn, will affect the health of people who consume them
Water pollution is really a problem for all people. They however cannot overcome this individually. They need to cooperate as responsible citizens. They should not throw away domestic wastes everywhere. They must not dump harmful substances into the rivers. Industries must realize the importance of recycling rubbish. And above all, they should not let the chemical waste get into the rivers or other public waterways.

5. The following are the primary uses of water except …
a. preparation of food
b. swimming –pools
c. cleaning
d. bathing
e. drinking

6. Water is very precious because …
a. it is not available everywhere
b. we cannot use it everyday
c. we use it in almost all activities
d. it is hard to get
e. we can use it to wash

7. We realize how important water is, so we have to …
a. find more water
b. boil the water
c. use as little water as possible
d. explore the earth for more water
e. keep water usable at all times

8. What do fish and plants need ? They need …
a. uncontaminated water
b. a large quantity of water
c. clean and healthy water
d. water from rivers
e. waste water

9. Why do big cities have serious water problems? Because …
a. water is difficult to find
b. they need too much water
c. water is needed there
d. too many people live in one area
e. of the development of housing facilities

10. We need … for bathing and cleaning.
a. a warm water
b. a lot of water
c. clean and healthy
d. water from natural sources
e. contaminated water

11. Plants cannot grow well and do not yield good quality fruit (par.2)
The word “yield” means …
a. grow
b. give
c. affect
d. consume
e. produce/harvest

12. The primary cause of water pollution is …
a. animal waste
b. people’s activities
c. harmful plants
d. contaminated waste
e. the natural condition of water

13. Polluted water is very dangerous to ….
a. animal
b. all living things
c. environment
d. the people
e. health

Text 3
It is important to know how people in Jakarta satisfy the need of clean water. They use ground water, the governmental water supply or PAM ( Perusahaan Air Minum ) and public hydrants. The number of the population in Jakarta is 8,5 million, but only 41% of them have accessed to clean water from PAM, while the rest still depend on ground water. The shallow ground water is used in hotels, offices, factories, and areas of residences. There won’t be any problem if they do not use the water more than the resource’s capacity.
Man is granted a large amount of colourless liquid called water. Life will not exist without water. There are a lot of domestic purposes as drinking, preparation of food and beverages, bathing, cleansing, and watering the lawns and gardens and secondarily in industrial processes, commercial products disposal of wastes in sewers, fire fighting, street sprinkling, swimming pools, and public fountains. For most of the purposes above the quality of water must be good.
There are a lot of sources of water supply such as underground and surface water. Ground water resources are near at hand and systems are cheap to install, i. e by setting a pump or digging a well. The surface water is obtained from large lake or river nearby, consequently it will be very expensive to get the water because the supply depends on the amount of water in large reservoirs, from which long pipes are needed to pump the water into the houses. Ground water is generally clear, cold, cold, colourless, and cleaner than surface water in some regions.
In order to have clean water supplies people should conserve the water. It can be conserved in many ways, including measurement and recording of all-purpose water consumption, holding flood water in o0versize reservoirs, desalting seawater and guard of ground water against the intrusion of seawater, and reducing evaporations in reservoirs using large ground water reservoir more extensively.

14. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text ? …
a. Deep ground water is used in houses.
b. Water is primarily used for fire fighting.
c. Ground water is generally smelly and gummy
d. The quality of water may be good for the most purposes.
e. People should conserve water to get enough clean water supply.

15. The main idea of paragraph 2 is …
a. We use water for domestic use
 b. Life will not exist without water
c. The people in Jakarta use ground water.
d. There are a lot of sources of water supply
e. The surface water is obtained from large lake or river nearby.

16. The text tells us about …
a. clean water
b. ground water
c. the use of water
d. sources of water
e. the governmental water supply (PAM)

17. … people should conserve the water (par.3). The underlined word means …
a. harm
b. flow
c. manage
d. keep away
e. keep from lost or destruction

18. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?
a. The quality of water must be good
b. We use water for domestic purpose
c. The surface water is obtained from the lakes
d. Swimming-pool, public fountain belong to primarily use of water.
e. People in Jakarta use ground water, PAM, and public hydrant primarily.

Text. 4
A woman and her two children could not stop sneezing as heaps of kapok floated in the air around them. Even the afternoon downpour did not dampen their working spirit. With the silky fibers or kapok flying all around them and setting onto their bodies, they kept stuffing kapok into a large cloth bag to make mattress.
Rasni 40 is one of the woman working in a mattress-making centre in Wanakerta mattress in Bajanegara village of Purbalingga district. Almost all of the women in Wanakerta, which has population of some 350 families or about 1,200 people, works as mattress-makers.
Since 1978 Wanakerta residents have been making mattresses in a very traditional way. To make one mattress they need stuffing, mattress cloth and thread. There are two kinds of stuffing with which they are familiar : kapok and fibrous yarn called benglon which is made from textile factory waste. The products have a good market not only in Purbalingga but also in other urban centers like Surakarta, Tasikmalaya, and Jakarta.
The mattress-making business in Wanakerta was pioneered by Mahwari, 50, and the late Rasmadi. Before trying their hands at mattress-making, they sold agricultural products in a number of areas in Java. When they were in a textile mill in Bandung, West Java they saw heaps of textile waste, the kapoklike polyester benglon fibers.
The process of making a mattress in a traditional way is simple. “Before it is put into a cloth bag, the kapok or benglon must be first put in the sunlight so that it will expand, “said Rasni.
Then it is put into a cloth bag of mattress size. The bag is sewn up with mattress thread. “When the mattress is ready, it will be again put in the sunlight so that it will expand further, “she added.
To make a single mattress, nine metres of mattress cloth, 20 kg of kapok or 25 kg of benglon and two rolls of thread, are needed. One mattress is sold at an average price of Rp. 90,000,-
The mattress-makers handle heaps of kapok and benglon every do not wear protective masks, leaving them vulnerable to health problem. The biggest risk they is when unpack the stuffing, put it in the sunlight and fill the mattress bag.

19. what is the text about ?
a. The price of mattress
b. The process of making mattress
c. The Wanakerta residents
d. The mattress business in Wanakerta
e. The pioneer of making mattress in Wanakerta

20. The main idea of paragraph 2 is …
a. Making mattress has been started since 1978
b. It is simple to make a mattress in a traditional way
c. There are two kinds of stuffing in making mattress
d. Wanakerta hamlet is a mattress-making center
e. The products have a good market.

21. Which statements is NOT TRUE according to the text ?
a. Wanakerta is located in Purbalingga district.
b. Wanakerta residents have been making mattress for about 25 years.
c. The stuffing of mattress consists of kapok and benglon.
d. The mattress makers highly care about their health problems.
e. The mattress will be sold in Surakarta, Tasikmalaya, and also Jakarta

22. “It will be again put in the sunlight so that it will expand further “(par 5)
The underlined word means …
a. become large
b. become smaller
c. reduce
d. lessen
e. decrease

23. Why don’t the mattress-making wear protective masks ?
a. Because they know to keep healthy.
b. Because they are only women-workers.
c. Because they don’t know much about healthy problems.
d. Because they work with their children at home
e. Because the silky fibers of kapok flying all around them.

24. Mother : Please … We are running out of sugar and flour.
Tuti : Sure, mom.
a. Don’t go anyway
b. Go to the grocery
c. Clean up your room
d. Don’t make any noise
e. Meet your aunt, Susi

25. Deni : I haven’t seen Dody for a week. How has he been ?
Tony : Fine. I met him two days ago
Deni : Did he tell you something
Tony : Yes, he told me that …
a. I had to help my mom at home
b. He had to help my mom at home
c. He has to help his mom at home
d. He had to help his mom at home
e. I have to help his mom at home

26. Teacher : Where were you yesterday ?
Helmi : I beg your pardon, sir !
Tini     : He asked you … the day before
a. where were you
b. where you were
c. where had you been
d. where you had been
e. where he had been

27. Toto : Where did you go last night? I telephoned you, but you weren’t at home.
Dian : Oh, when you called me up, I … the meeting the youth organization in my neighbourhood.
a. Attend
b. Will attend
c. Have attended
d. Am attending
e. Was attending

28. Aldi : Have you got the news that Rudi failed again in the English test at school?.
Hanif : It’s a pity …
a. He has to take the English course.
b. He doesn’t have to study harder
c. His parents must be proud of him
d. He is fond of English subject
e. It is strange that he is like that

29. Tuti : Hello Friends …
Dea : We hope that you feel comfortable in here.
a. Meet my friend, Hussein.
b. Let me introduce myself to you all
c. I would like to go abroad
d. It is not necessary for me to stay here.
e. You have to introduce yourself

30. Joko : Who is the man with a black jacket over there?
Fitri : Oh, he is my cousin, Amran
Joko : Sure
a. Allow me to introduce myself
b. How do you do
c. May I introduce Amran to you ?
d. I would like to introduce myself
e. What’s your name ?

31. Bagus : Eating too much instant bodies is not good for your health.
You should eat more nutritious food
Ida : Sure Gradually, I will change my habit.
The underlined sentence expresses ….
a. Prohibition
b. Advise
c. Permission
d. Order
e. Desire

32. Tini : In order to commemorate our school universary, we have carried out English speech contest.
Lia : Ohm That is a splendid activity.
From the dialogue above we know that the English speech contest …
a. is still going on
b. has already finished
c. will take place in future
d. started at some times in the past
e. was happening at some time in the past

33. Fitri : I met Andi, our old friend when were the students of elementary school.
Amazingly, he can speak English fluently.
Yani     : Andi. No wonder he can speak it well.
He … in England since 3 years ago.
a. Lives
b. Lived
c. Will live
d. Is living
e. Has been living

34. Doctor : Take this medicine …… want to get well soon
Patient : Thank you doctor.
The underlined sentence express
a. desire
b. order
c. permission
d. offer
e. prohibition

The sun is the nearest star to us. It is a giant Bali of gases. Many researches have been done to … (35) the sun and it is now kept under constant observation . temperatures within the sun reach millions of degrees. Scientists are working to find ways that the … (36) of the sun may be used to … (37) electricity. We know that we cannot live without it.

35a. observe
b. improve
c. manage
d. seek
e. manipulate

36. a. space
b. beam
c. current
d. heat
e. ray

37. a. prove
b. generate
c. make
d. bring
e. maximize

Women’s clothes, unlike men’s are every … (38). Wise woman do not buy extreme …(39) at any time, for they tire of them quickly and they know that if their “public” remembers the costume rather that the wearing, the costume is not a success. Woman should always … (40). Costumes that are flattering in both line and colour that cause people to say, “How attractive you look today, “rather than “What an exciting dress you are wearing.”

38. a. declining
b. increasing
c. improving
d. changing
e. enclosing

39. a. kinds
b. styies
c. design
d. motifs
e. sketches

40. a. choose
b. chose
c. choice
d. to choose
e. chosen

The light of the Milky Way is the combined light a billions of stars … (41) have discovered than there are quantities of gases and dust spread on among the stars of the Milky Way . Most of the gases are …(42) but gases of other chemical element are also found. The particles of the dust at extremely … (43). They may come from gases or they may here blown away from certain stars.

41. a. astrologers
b. astronomers
c. astronauts
d. scientists
e. fortunetellers

42. a. hydrogent
b. oxygen
c. octane
d. carbon
e. carbondioxide

43. a. tiny
b. rough
c. fine
d. abundant
e. enormous

44. The teachers should not only educate students, but also enforce discipline.
The underlined word means ….
a. Improve
b. Compel obedience to
c. Maximize the quality
d. Establish
e. Allow

45. Waste water or sewage is a menace to health because it usually contains panthogens and other substances that may contaminate food and drinking water.
a. benefit
b. advantages
c. danger or threat
d. effect
e. possession

46. She likes doing the …. Such as washing, cleaning, ironing, cooking, etc.
a. homework
b. household
c. job
d. assignment
e. duties

47. Mother usually reminds us to put on our …
before going to bed
a. pyjamas
b. suit
c. coat
d. sweater
e. uniform

48. Many residents in this area are suffering from diarrhoea and skin decease because of bad …
a. ventilation
b. sanitation
c. population
d. medical treatment
e. education

49. Sooner or later the flood will take place if the people still … the rubbish in the river.
a. pick up
b. throw away
c. escape from
d. put away
e. send away

50. One of the solutions to minimize the drop-outs by campaigning … program; especially for the poor.
a. education is for all
b. long-life education
c. student exchange
d. foster parents
e. family planning

                                                              di ambil dari :

Selasa, 14 Mei 2013


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Contoh Ungkapan - Ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris


Could you tell me the way to the police station ?
· Can you direct me to the fruit shop ?
· How do I get to the zoo ?
· Can you tell me where the hospital is please ?
· Do you know how to get to the nearest hotel ?
· I would like to go to the petrol station. Can you tell me how to get there ?

Go straight (go down/ go up) this road until you get to a one-way street
· Keep going until you see a traffic light
· Walk along this street until you get to the round about
· Turn left or right
· Take the first left turn on the T-junction
· Make a left turn on the crossroad

2. OFFERING HELP OR THINGS (menawarkan bantuan / menawarkan sesuatu)
Untuk menawarkan bantuan, dapat digunakan ungkapan-ungkapan berikut:
- May I help you?- Can I help you?- Could I help you?
- How can I be of assistance to you?
- How can I be of help to you?
- What can I help you
- What can I do for you?- How can I assist you?- How can I help you?
- Let me help you?
- Do you want me to help you?
- Shall I …?
Cara memberi tawaran seperti menawarkan makanan atau minuman dalam bahasa Inggris lazimnya dengan menggunakan ungkapan Would you like…?, Would you care for …?, why don’t you have…?, How about having …? May I offer you …?
Tawaran Respon
- Would you like some bread?                                                Yes, please.
- Would you care for some coffee?                                        No, thanks. I don’t drink coffee.
- Why don’t you have some biscuit, please?                           Thanks, I’d love to.
Jawaban untuk menerima tawaran antara lain: Yes please, Sure, Why not, Ofcourse, Certainly, I’d love to, It’s a good idea, That’s great. Untuk menolak tawaran digunakan ungkapan seperti: No, thanks, Please don’t bother, I’d love to but…, That’s great but…

3. INTRODUCING (memperkenalkan)

Memperkenalkan Dri
Memperkenalkan Orang Lain
- I’d like to introduce myself. - My I introduce myself? - Let me introduce myself!         
- I want to introduce myself
- I’d like you to meet … (nama) - This is my friend/boss/etc…(nama) - Have you met…(nama)?
- May I introduce you to …(nama/jabatan)
- Let me introduce you to ….
- I want to introduce you to ….

4. INVITING (mengundang/mengajak)
- let’s + V1       - Why don’t we …?      - How about…?
- I’d like to invite you to…
- Would you like to…?
- I wonder if you’d like to
- I’m sorry I can’t- I’d like to but…- I’m afraid I can’t
- No, let’s not.

- I’d love to - I’d like very much - I’d be happy/glad to
- Yes, I’d be delighted to.
- That’s good ide
Thank youThank you very muchThanks.
Thank you very much for… (kata benda)
I’m grateful for…(kata benda/noun)
You are welcome.That’s all rightNot at all
Don’t mention it
Thet’s all right
Any time

5. CONGRATULATIONS (ucapan selamat)
CongratulationsCongratulations on …I’d like to congratulate you.
I’d like to congratulate you on…
It was great to hear…
It was to hear about….
Happy birthday to you.
Happy new year.
Good luck!
Have a nice holiday
Thank youThank you and the same to youThank you. I need it.
Thank you very much.

6. SYMPATHY (menyatakan rasa simpati)

Ungkapan-ungkapan perasaan simpati atas mala petaka/musibah yang dialami orang lain diantaranya:
  • I’m sorry to hear that
  • Oh, that’s too bad.
  • How awful!
  • How terrible!
  • Poor!
PLEASURE, DISPLEASURE (senang & tidak senang)
Displeasure/tidak senang
It’s really delightful/Iam delightedI’m satisfiedThat’s great
That’s wonderful
It’s really a great pleasure
I’m dissatisfiedWe are fed up with…I feel dosappointed
She is extremely displeased
SATISFACTION, DISSATISFACTION ( kepuasan, ketidakpuasan)
Ketika kita akan mengungkapkan kepuasan atas kerja seseorang, kita dapat gunakan ungkapan:
  • Well done!
  • Great! Good work
  • I am satisfied with your work
  • You did well
  • Your job is satisfactory
  • I am so happy about this
  • I’m glad to what you’ve done
  • It’s really satisfying
Katika kita akan mengungkapkan ketidakpuasan atas kerja seseorang, kita dapat gunakan:
  • I’m not satisfied with work
  • You haven’t done well enough
  • I am really dissappointed
  • Sorry, but your work is not satisfactory
  • Oh, no!
  • It’s not very nice
  • It’s really not good enough

7. ASKING & GIVING OPINION (meminta & memberi pendapat)
Asking Opinion
Giving opinion
How was the trip?How do you like your new house?How do you think of Rina’s idea?
How do you feel about this dicition?
What is your opinions of the movie?
What are your feelings about it?
I think (that)….In my opinion….As I see, …
If you ask me, I feel…
Ketika kita merasa sependapat dengan opini orang lain, kita bisa mengatakan:
  • So do I
  • Yes, I agree with you
  • It is certainly
  • Exactly
  • That’s what I want to say
  • I am with you
  • I am on your side
Ketika kita merasa tidak sependapat dengan opini orang lain, kita bisa mengatakan:
  • Well, I don’t think so
  • I don’t think that is true
  • I disagree with …
  • I wouldn’t say that
  • Exactly not
  • I can’t say so
  • On contrary
  • I don’t buy that idea

8. FEAR, ANCIETY (ungkapan ketakutan, kegelisahan)
I am afraidI am fearedI am scared
I am terrified
The sound is horrifying
Don’t be afraidThere is nothing to be afraid ofIt is nothing
I am worried about…I am anxious to know about…I wondered if…
That made me worried
I have been thinking about ….
I am afraid if…
Take is easyCalm downI know you are worried but…
It is not a big deal
Don’t worry
Stay cool

9. PAIN, RELIEF (ungkapan kesakitan, kelegaan)
Ouch!That was hurtIt is painful
It hurts me
I’ve got a backache/toothache/stomachache
I feel sore all over
My eyes hurt
I’m very relieved to hear…Finally, it was overI feel relieved
I feel much better
I’m glad it’s over
That’s a great relief
I’m extremely glad to hear…
Thank goodness for that
What a relief!

10. LIKE/LOVE & DISLIKE/HATE (suka/cinta & tidak suka/benci)
I love itI like itI am keen on it
I am crazy about it
We all enjoy
(benda/noun/gerund)…is my cup of tea
I don’t really like itI dislike itI am not really interested in…
I can’t enjoy…
(benda/noun/gerund)…is not my cup of tea
I can’t stand
I hate it

11. EMBARRASSMENT & ANNOYANCE (Ungkapan rasa malu, kejengkelan)
I am embarrassedI feel ashamedOh my God
Shame on me
I don’t feel comfortable
I feel awkward
I am annoyedI had enough with itI can’t bear it any longer
You made me annoyed
You are such a pain in the neck
You made me sick

12. REQUEST (permintaan)
Would it be possible for                                                      you toWould you be so kind as toWould you…,please?
Would you mind …?
Any chance of…
Can you…?
I should be delighted to comeBy all meansI have no objection
I’d be happy to
No problem
I regret to say that we find ourselves unable to goI’m afraid it’s not possibleI’m afraid not
No, I won’t
Not likely
You must be joking

13. COMPLAINT, BLAME (keluhan,menyalahkan)
I’m not at all satisfied with the serviceI really do/must objec to the serviceI take great exception to…
I want to complain about…
This is crazy!
You’re the one to blameIt’s your fault!It’s your mistake!
You’re wrong

14. REGRET, APOLOGY (penyesalan, meminta maaf)
Much to my regretSadly, I ….Unfortunately
I’m terribly sorry
I honestly regret that I …
Sorry, I …
Please accept my apologies for what I didPlease forgive me for what I didI am extremely sorry
I really must apologies
May I offer you my sincerest apologies?

15. POSSIBILITY & IMPOSSIBILITY (kemungkinan & ketidakmungkinan)
Menyatakan Kemungkinan
Menanyakan Kemungkinan
I think there is possibility to …I sassume/believe…In all probability,…
it is going to be possible for me to…
that will probably …
it’s quite possible …
Do you think he/it could…?Would you say we’re capable of…?Are you capable of…?
Are you able to…?
Do you have any experience of…?
Can you…?
Do you know how to…?
Do you think you can…?